PEI Band Days

The Grade 8 and Grade 9 Concert Bands will be performing at the UPEI Performing Arts Centre on Thursday, April 11 as part of PEI Band Days. The Grade 8 performance will be at 9:00 am and the Grade 9 performance will be at 1:30 pm. All performances are open to the public and are free!

Grade 8 Concert Band: Grade 8 students are to be dropped off at the UPEI Performing Arts Centre between 8:15-8:30 am on Thursday, April 11, wearing their band uniform. Students will need to bring their instruments and music with them to the performance hall. Grade 8 students will return to Stonepark via a school bus at 11:30 and will attend their regularly scheduled afternoon classes.

Grade 9 Concert Band: Grade 9 band students will board the school bus at Stonepark at
12:00 noon and travel to UPEI for their 1:30 performance. Grade 9 students will need to
bring a lunch to school with them that day as they will not have time to leave school
grounds during the noon break. Students will be wearing their band uniforms to the
performance. Grade 9 band students are to be picked up at the UPEI Performing Arts Centre between 2:30/2:45 as school buses are not available to return the students to Stonepark. Students will large instruments will be responsible for returning their instruments to the school.

HELP NEEDED: one Grade 8 adult volunteer (with a large vehicle) is needed to transport large instruments from UPEI back to Stonepark at approximately 9:30 am. Instruments can be dropped off at the school lobby.

One Grade 9 adult volunteer is needed to transport instruments from Stonepark to UPEI; instruments will be loaded at the back door of the school between 11:45 and 12 noon.

Thank you for your support!